All-On-Four™ Conversions

Steps for Success...

Photos & Dentistry by Dr. Matt Hallas
Laboratory Services by the Ottawa Dental Laboratory LLC

1. Final Impression Appointment:
(est. 1.5 hours)

  • Remove transitional appliance or healing abutments.
  • Place appropriate impression copings on each implant.
  • Take radiograph to verify proper seating of impression copings.
  • Take final impression with impression copings in place. Be sure to capture all landmarks including vestibules & palate.
  • Remove impression with impression copings after allowing for the manufacturer’s recommended set time.
  • Replace transitional appliance or healing abutments.

*Note: Impression copings & analogs are not included. Please allow 1 week for case to be returned to your office.

2. Model Verification & Bite Registration Appointment: (est. 1.5 hours)

  • Remove transitional appliance or healing abutments.
  • Seat verification jig to ensure a passive fit. (if verification jig does not seat properly, it can be sectioned and luted into place.)
  • Bite block is then seated and bit registration to be taken.
  • Please include tooth shade.

*Note: Temporary abutments for verification jig are not included. Screw retained bite rim with one additional temporary abutment is optional. Please allow 1 week for case to be returned to your office.

3. Wax Try-In Appointment: 
(est. 1.5 hours)

  • Remove transitional appliance or healing abutments.
  • Seat wax try-in to evaluate esthetics, occlusion, buccal corridor, and shade.

*Note: Please allow 1 week for case to be returned to your office.

4. Nobel Procera Milled Bar
with Wax Try-In Appointment: 
(est. 1.5 hours)

  • Remove transitional appliance or healing abutments.
  • Wax tooth try-in with titanium bar.
  • Take radiograph to verify it.
  • Evaluate esthetics, occlusion, buccal corridor, and shade.

*Note: This is the appointment that ODL is looking for final approval for taking the case to final process. Please allow 2 week for case to be returned to your office.

5. Final Delivery of All-On-Four™: 
(est. 1.5 hours)

  • Remove transitional appliance or healing abutments.
  • Seat final restoration and verify fit, occlusion, and final esthetics.
  • Torque screws to Nobel’s suggested Ncm.